Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Avon Calling

Started back up as an Avon rep. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I Miss Them

Another picture of my brother's wife and four girls, taken this January:

Photo not to be used without permission.

Bless Her

This is just the cutest! I'm not sure what she's asking for, but I hope she got it!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Which Way To Turn?

What to say? Everything is going on. I moved almost two months ago. My mother is slowly losing her memory and needs a lot of help. I need more hours at my job. I can't pay all my bills.
I have no family (meaning no relative who cares if I live or die, or if I am in need. I may as well have no actual family at all.). It's funny, but Steven's parents treat me better than my blood relatives. The difference is night and day. Thank you, Charles and Elaine. It's nice to finally be treated like I matter in this life. You don't know what it means to me.
And thank you, Steven, for letting me live without fear. Since I met you, I know what it's like to be unafraid for the first time I can remember. I will forever be grateful. May you be abundantly blessed for all you have given me.
I feel lost and yet happier than I have ever been. I wish I knew what to do with myself. Prayers are gratefully accepted.

This is the end of the blog. Awwww.....