Saturday, October 15, 2005

Getting Back To Normal (Relatively Speaking)

Yay! I get to work now and I've got regular internet access again. Life is looking up. I was beginning to suffer from withdrawal. It's hard when you don't have money.

Last night was the first night in a while that I got to go on a date with my love. With both of us having new jobs, neither of us has had extra money.

He is also busy working on his house. It is coming along nicely, little by little, as he gets paid.

As promised, I am posting the picture of my new niece. Here she is at 1 week old:


Blogger Michele said...

She is beautiful!

Mon Oct 17, 01:43:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Kat said...

Thanks, Michele!

Mon Oct 17, 10:05:00 PM CDT  

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